Merge pull request #6110 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/b2ec4c93907
Fix a bug with thioether lariat structure prediction.
This fixes a bug in simple_cycpep_predict with thioether lariats with tails and a native structure. (There was a spot in the code where I was assuming that the last residue was the cysteine residue.)
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Merge pull request #6082 from RosettaCommons/revert-6081-revert-5520-jyjwang/degreaser-fresh
fixed things so that the tests that were broken passed. main culprits: unused variables / functions. annoying fix: indexing with Size instead of SSize. Thanks Sergey for checking in on the original PR ! Revert "Revert "Degreaser v 1.0""
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Merge pull request #6093 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/fix_thioether_cyclization_patch
Fixing the oxygen atom placement in the AcetylatedProteinNtermConnection patch.
The backbone carbon depended on the oxygen rather than the converse. This created bad geometry in GenKIC.
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Merge pull request #6091 from RosettaCommons/roccomoretti/replica_dock_fix
(Partially) Fix replica_docking integration test
Looks like we need a pre-existing directory to put the logs into.
We're still getting timeouts on the server, but we're not hard crashing anymore.
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