Merge pull request #5158 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/bbi
[Foldit] Fix backbone importance slider
Release notes:
- Fixed a bug causing the sidechain hbond importance slider to control backbone hbond importance instead of the backbone hbond importance slider
Merge pull request #5141 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/blueprintmixin
[Foldit] Add bridge mixin for Blueprint Idealize SS
Release notes:
- Fixed a bug causing a crash when Idealize SS was used from the Blueprint tool to win a level
Merge pull request #5117 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/lua-selection
[Foldit] New Lua Functionality
Release notes:
- Added Lua function dialog.SelectBands() to prompt the player to select bands, then returns a list of band indices
- Added Lua function dialog.SelectSegments() to prompt the player to select segments, then returns a list of segment indices
- Added Lua function structure.GetCuts() which returns a list of segment indices which have open cutpoints
- Added Lua function structure.GetHBonds() which returns a table of visible hydrogen bonds (Note that that the results of this function are dependent on the current view options). Each entry contains these fields:
--- res1: segment index 1
--- res2: segment index 2
--- atom1: atom index 1
--- atom2: atom index 2
--- bond_type: 0 for hydrogen, 1 for disulfide
--- width: length of bond, generally ranging from 0.25 (bad) to 0.75 (good)
Merge pull request #5147 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/chatlog
[Foldit] Remove chat logging and fix link messages
Release notes:
- Foldit's log file no longer shows chat history
- Fixed a bug allowing players on Discord to send arbitrary links
Merge pull request #5144 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/gui-fix
[Foldit] Fix GUI refresh crash from non-GUI thread
Release Notes:
- Fixed a bug causing the game to freeze/hang when using Lua recipes related to getting/loading solutions
Merge pull request #5109 from RosettaCommons/joshmiller/bandfix
[Foldit] Fix band strength modifier bug
Release notes:
- Fixed a bug where moving an existing band when "Default band setting to last used" is checked would change the strength of the existing band
Merge pull request #5118 from RosettaCommons/interactive/solberg/asynchronous_filters
[foldit] improve/change/fix undo graph and restore best for metrics