branch: master 「№59188」
Commited by: Darwin
GitHub commit link: 「f08e0f99bf0627bb」 「№1904」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-21 00:28:02

Merge pull request #1904 from RosettaCommons/revert-1903-revert-1645-darwinyfu/RosettaLigandEnsemble Merging ligand ensemble docking code into master. Integration test changes in ligand docking tests using Transform expected.


branch: master 「№59187」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「09b5d56b44d6c5d9」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 21:48:50

Beautifying Rosetta. It hasn't been beautified in a while.


branch: master 「№59186」
Commited by: Rhiju Das
GitHub commit link: 「74bbf61765582e14」 「№1909」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 19:59:33

Merge pull request #1909 from RosettaCommons/rhiju/rename_uucg_hack1 rename uucg_hack1 to 1z_6n_2[_bonus all tests look OK except rna_puzzle5_P15P3P8_noP4P6_4RB_G208phosphate_ligation in linux (was broken before -- will fix in separate PR)


branch: master 「№59185」
Commited by: Sergey Lyskov
GitHub commit link: 「01b57c9244eedf51」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 18:36:29

Fixing PyRosetta GCC build


branch: master 「№59184」
Commited by: Rhiju Das
GitHub commit link: 「94d24f23750826da」 「№1906」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 15:34:40

Merge pull request #1906 from RosettaCommons/rhiju/generalize_gaussian_chain_func generalize GaussianChainFunc


branch: master 「№59183」
Commited by: Andrew Watkins
GitHub commit link: 「7c3aa2c530bb23a3」 「№1894」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 13:09:46

Merge pull request #1894 from RosettaCommons/everyday847/farfar_syn_chi_res Implement the specification of particular residues with a syn chi in FARFAR


branch: master 「№59182」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「ec5ab0dabe11df5d」 「№1908」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-20 01:08:31

Merge pull request #1908 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/support_nmethyl_merge5 Incremental merge #5 for supporting N-methylation This brings several more changes into master for supporting N-methylation. This will not be the final merge; there's still a lot of testing and bug-fixing to do. In this merge: - Added some patch exclusions. - Added a couple of residue types needed to model cyclosporin A. - Added custom rotamer libraries for N-methylated amino acids. - Added unit tests for N-methylation and cyclic geometry (currently disabled -- mirror-imaging scoring is not yet fixed). - Adding rama_prepro tables for N-methylated amino acids before prolines, sarcosine, and sarcosine before prolines. - Adding tests for beta_nov16 scoring with cyclic geometry. - Fixing beta_nov16 scoring to support D-amino acids. (*Note: there are more tests to be done. We cannot yet assume that beta_nov16 is ready for peptide design or structure prediction.*) Integration tests change because a couple of residue types were added.


branch: master 「№59181」
Commited by: Rhiju Das
GitHub commit link: 「b8efd7f8fc411b4b」 「№1889」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-19 22:20:07

Merge pull request #1889 from RosettaCommons/rhiju/stepwise_paper Rhiju/stepwise paper only significant integration test change is for run with DMS input ( "rna_chem_map" ) -- but checked that previous run had an incorrectly set up full_model_info and was scoring DMS potential at wrong residues.


branch: master 「№59180」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「9ef541e4a04731b2」 「№1890」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-19 11:36:38

Merge pull request #1890 from RosettaCommons/roccomoretti/benchmark_doc_gen Add benchmark test for autogenerating documentation items. This adds a benchmark framework "test" maintenance.documentation which will automatically update the XSD documentation fragments, as well as the full option list.


branch: master 「№59179」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「bdfdd4a3add49a14」 「№1875」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-19 10:22:46

Merge pull request #1875 from RosettaCommons/roccomoretti/pose_rts Enable Storing of ResidueTypes in the Pose One of the slightly evil things we've been doing is allowing the global ResidueTypeSets to be modified at runtime - that is, you could add/delete ResidueTypes into the main RTSs themselves. This is slightly evil as we start to work with thread-safety and serializing poses to send them to other computers. Not only could you have issues where you delete a RT that another thread is relying on, if you've added a RT to the global RTS, the remote computer which you're sending the pose to may or may not have that RT ... oops. To solve this, I've made the global RTSs non-writable, except for initialization, and then put in a facility to attache RTSs to the Pose (or rather the Conformation). To enable this, there's been slight-but-substantial changes required in the RT/RTS/ChemicalManager interface. Instead of identifying RTSs by name ("fa_standard"/"centroid"), the preferred method is now by a TypeSetMode enum from core/chemical/ChemicalManager.fwd.hh. Also, because the Pose (Conformation) can have a ResidueTypeSet which is different from the global RTS, the preferred method of accessing an RTS is by using the new Pose::residue_type_set_from_pose() or Conformation::residue_type_set_from_conf() methods. These will give you the specialized RTS for the pose, or if it's not been specialized, will fall back to the global RTS of the appropriate mode. -- You can either use these with no arguments, in which case it will do the equivalent of looking at is_fullatom()/is_centroid(), or you can explicitly specify the TypeSetMode you're interested in. To enable this, ResidueTypeSet has been made a virtual base class, with two derived sub-classes: GlobalResidueTypeSet and PoseResidueTypeSet. GlobalResidueTypeSet is the effectively the same RTS we're familiar with, just with all the methods which allow modification made private/protected. Once a GlobalResidueTypeSet has been initialized from the database, it's fixed. (Well, except for the whole lazy loading thing.) PoseResidueTypeSet is the modifiable RTS which is stored in the Pose/Conformation. It's set up to be a layer on top of another RTS. That is, a PoseRTS will have its own RTs/patches which it will add "on top of" the underlying RTS. So if you have a full atom PoseRTS, you should typically have full access to the full atom GlobalRTS through it, without having to do any additional code. The difference between the two should be irrelevant, unless you're actually attempting to modify a PoseResidueTypeSet - the major accessors should return a (base class) ResidueTypeSetCOP, and all the relevant methods should be accessible from the base class interface. In fact, Pose::residue_type_set_from_pose() will return a pointer to either a PoseRTS or a GlobalRTS, depending on if the Pose has a custom RTS or not. The one difference which may trip you up is that the ResidueTypeSet interface no longer has a name() method, as it's meaningless for PoseRTSs. Instead of "name" you should be working with "mode" (TypeSetMode) instead. (There's utility functions in ChemicalManager.hh for converting them to strings, including being able to directly feed them to stream output.) To keep pose copies relatively fast, the PoseResiueTypeSet function with copy-on-write semantics. That is, to add a RT to the PoseRTS, you get a copy of the PoseRTS from the Conformation::modifiable_residue_type_set_for_conf() method, make your modifications, and then use the Conformation::reset_residue_type_set_for_conf() method to reset the version in the Conformation. This means that multiple Conformations can share the same PoseRTS. Furthermore, multiple RTSs can share the same RTs. As such, ResidueTypes (and by extension Residues) no longer have a back-pointer to the ResidueTypeSet they come from. Instead, there's a ResidueType::mode() method which returns the TypeSetMode for the RT. As such, you now need to re-write things such that you go through the Pose/Conformation to get the corresponding RTS. (This is a good thing, by the way, as if you're changing ResidueTypes, you want to give the Pose the opportunity to invoke its customizations, instead of going back directly to the GlobalRTS.) Other minor changes worth mentioning * AtomTypeSets now have TypeSetMode values, too * There's read_topology_file() versions which grab the relevant typesets from a ResidueTypeSet. * "custom" residue types in the RTS interface have been renamed to "unpatchable", to better reflect their role. Additionally, I've switched a bunch of RT loading from the "unpatchable" to base, to permit more wide-spread patching. * As RTSs are in the pose now, many more things in the core/chemical/ directory have serialization methods added. Side benefit is that it's now much easier to serialize ResidueTypeCOPs, data structures of ResidueTypeCOPs and type set COPs: you should be able to do it directly, and have things just work out. * The awful mess of RTS loading in has been moved and reorganized to Things I haven't done with this pull request * Making the GlobalResidueTypeSet thread-safe. This should be easier, as we can now know it's only the lazy-loading code which will be touched in conventional usage. * Exhaustively tested the serialization ability of the PoseResidueTypeSet - there may be some edge cases where bugs still exist. caveat programmor * The D/L handling is still rather GlobalRTS specific, so mirror image handling might not work quite right with residues stored in the Pose. @vmullig I'll let you rethink this if you want to. * SQL database interaction isn't necessarily great. If anyone uses it, let me know if there's something that should work better. * Reading/writing of the in-pose ResidueTypes. Right now, if you output a PDB or a silent file which uses a non-global ResidueType, that ResidueType isn't output - it just disappears. At some point storage of custom ResidueTypes in PDBs/Silent files probably should be added.

Rocco Moretti 8 years
Forgot to mention in the lengthy commit message: large number of integration test changes expected due to cosmetic issues. There are some trajectory changes in RNA tests, but those look like optimization-related changes, and disappear when run in debug mode locally.
P. Douglas Renfrew 8 years
Is the redundancy in namespace/object and function name necessary? Does `Pose::residue_type_set_from_pose()` do anything different from `Conformation::residue_type_set_from_conf()`?
Rocco Moretti 8 years
Pose::residue_type_set_for_pose() is just a convenience function that defers to Conformation::residue_type_set_for_conf(). ("from" is a typo in the commit message: it's actually "for") The redundancy is a little much when written like this, but I wanted to emphasize that this is a ResidueTypeSet which is custom for that particular pose/conformation, and it also is a bit less redundant when you're referencing off of actual variable, rather than class names.

branch: master 「№59178」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「c5fe29fdf47b3a37」 「№1907」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-19 10:17:48

Merge pull request #1907 from RosettaCommons/roccomoretti/cc_include_test Add an integration test for checking if anyone has accidentally added cc files instead of header files. Test will be a magenta "script failure" if any are detected, as well as having a diff indicating what/where the offending inclusions are.


branch: master 「№59177」
Commited by: Sergey Lyskov
GitHub commit link: 「f85345f64ffa07c1」 「№1905」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-17 18:11:44

Merge pull request #1905 from RosettaCommons/sergey/binder PyRosetta update. PyRosetta. Adding support for data/member-function visibility change in inherited classes by ‘using’ directives. Updating Pybind11 version to latest upstream


branch: master 「№59176」
Commited by: Kalli Kappel
GitHub commit link: 「c08d993e70f914d9」 「№1902」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-17 13:37:11

Merge pull request #1902 from RosettaCommons/kkappel1/RNP_low-res Low resolution RNA/protein modeling in farfar


branch: master 「№59175」
Commited by: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle
GitHub commit link: 「257d006f490cd89c」 「№1896」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-16 11:46:31

Merge pull request #1896 from RosettaCommons/jadolfbr/virt_to_fa Implement machinery and Movers for Real To Virtual conversion and vice versa Description ======== This PR adds functions and movers for converting ANY residue from Real to Virtual and vice versa. Much of this work was initially done and tested by @raemisch New movers in simple_moves: - ConvertRealToVirtualMover - ConvertVirtualToRealMover Other ==== It also adds a ReturnResidueSubsetSelector which simply returns a set subset. This helps to decrease complexity of the code-level selector interface so that we can accept a subset or selector without needing to have both functions (set_selector, set_subset) and variables (subset_, selector_) implemented (as gets annoying quickly). Also this reorganizes the rosetta_script util files completely to make it easier to find functions for XSD schema parsing. Testing ===== Add Unit test and Integration test for functionality and RS interface.


branch: master 「№59174」
Commited by: P. Douglas Renfrew
GitHub commit link: 「9ea8e5e15e7c3583」 「№1899」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-16 10:52:45

Merge pull request #1899 from RosettaCommons/dougrenfrew/fix_mrl This PR should fix a bug in the MakeRotLib protocol that caused the omega and epsilon torsion to not minimize correctly in alpha-/beta-peptides, and caused peptoids to minimize the wrong dihedrals.


branch: master 「№59173」
Commited by: Andrew Watkins
GitHub commit link: 「5a196ece8db57f55」 「№1901」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-12-16 09:56:48

Merge pull request #1901 from RosettaCommons/everyday847/fix_torsional_potential_issue Torsional potential was treating nonnatural D-RNA bases incorrectly


< 1 .. 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 .. 354 >

queued Queued Test
queued for comparison Test finished running but not yet compared
running Test is Running right now
comparing Test results is now comparing with previous results
finished Test is finished without errors
failed Test failed
build Failed Test could not be run because build failed
script failed Test results is unknow because test-script failed
canceled Test was canceled