branch: master 「№56532」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「6a0a642b7610554d」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 18:27:58

Warnings Removal: silencing one error type specifically for GCC 4.4


branch: master 「№56531」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「c24aa6a8f98b5d78」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 17:20:16

Fix uninitialized variable issue reported by Tim Issues found with gcc 4.6


branch: master 「№56530」
Commited by: Sergey Lyskov
GitHub commit link: 「6587c8025f524a47」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 16:31:35

Refactoring to remove construction of Pose object during static initializations


branch: master 「№56529」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「fd8c92121e1d187f」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 16:19:21

Better error checking re: membrane spanfiles


branch: master 「№56528」
Commited by: Tim Jacobs
GitHub commit link: 「9a8d46c04d1243a6」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 15:57:36

Fixing an error with newly added flags for auto-detection of metals. The problem was related to invalid 'legals' options within Fixing the Xcode project to work with the recent upgrade of boost. Specifically, set BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY and BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED flags, which are now part of the default build


branch: master 「№56527」
Commited by: Rocco Moretti
GitHub commit link: 「bb2d939ef61f6c38」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 15:11:10

Fix initialization issues Fix uninitialized variable issue in GasteigerAtomTyper Fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized issue with numeric/xyzVector.hh Turn off -Wno-uninitialized in cmake and scons builds. Rosetta compiles with cmake & scons, gcc & clang, at least on my machine.


branch: master 「№56526」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「00865d4208cbe23c」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 12:21:07

attempt 6 to fix Mac PyRosetta


branch: master 「№56525」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「b0ec822e0443dced」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 10:15:49

attempt 5 to fix Mac PyRosetta


branch: master 「№56524」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「84407894bb5dacb5」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 09:38:13

attempt 4


branch: master 「№56523」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「cfbc21c3594dd184」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 08:25:43

attempt 3


branch: master 「№56522」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「9fffacc73e3b18bd」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 07:28:09

trying to fix Mac PyRosetta


branch: master 「№56521」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「0328a08596b3ea44」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 06:59:39

removing warning only caught by Mac PyRosetta build


branch: master 「№56520」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「6dcca0ee6dc1613a」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 04:27:26

Change to GLY.params: glycine is not an L-amino acid. Duh. This is a minor change to the database. Therefore: --Integration tests were not run. --Unit tests were not run.


branch: master 「№56519」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「aa727100361096fe」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 03:06:01

Updating properties and BACKBONE_AA of BPY.params. Minor change to database; unit and integration tests not re-run.


branch: master 「№56518」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「7ca9e371ce74598c」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-17 02:54:52

Merging vmullig/ncaas into master to get my changes to NCAAs. --Add 4,5-dihydroxyisoleucine (a component of alpha-amanitin) to the l-ncaas part of the database. --Change is_D_aa() function in core/chemical/ to is_canonical_D_aa() --Removed some code duplication in --Added BACKBONE_AA lines to params files. This can be used to tell Rosetta that the rama and p_aa_pp scoring functions should treat a particular noncanonical amino acid like a designated canonical amino acid. (For example, in the 4,5-dihydroxyisoleucine params file, we have "BACKBONE_AA ILE"). --Added ALPHA_AA, BETA_AA, L_AA, and D_AA properties for alpha, beta, L-alpha, and D-alpha amino acids, respectively. --Updates D-proline with shadow atoms so that it scores and minimizes identically to (i.e. like the mirror image of) L-proline. --Fixes one more dependency problem in core/pose/, which should hopefully fix any remaining build problems not fixed by my last tweak to master. These changes have not yet been described on the Gollum Wiki, but will soon. TODO: --Update BPY.params. Unit test status: Pass Integration test status: ZERO changed tests!


branch: master 「№56517」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「9534b84b587d5321」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-16 21:35:07

Attempt at fixing Mac Clang build that I broke with my previous changes to metalloprotein handling. --I think I had bad dependencies -- something from core.3 depending on something from core.4. I've moved all the metalloproteins utilities to core/util/, which is in core.4. --I have no idea why the build was working under Linux, though (with both gcc or Clang). Unit test status: Pass Integration test status: Not Run --I don't have access to a Mac with Clang right now, so I'm relying on the test server to tell me whether this works. Everything compiles fine on my Linux PC with gcc, though everything did before, too.


< 1 .. 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 >

queued Queued Test
queued for comparison Test finished running but not yet compared
running Test is Running right now
comparing Test results is now comparing with previous results
finished Test is finished without errors
failed Test failed
build Failed Test could not be run because build failed
script failed Test results is unknow because test-script failed
canceled Test was canceled