branch: master 「№60728」
Commited by: Sergey Lyskov
GitHub commit link: 「9724904b947ec83c」 「№3944」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-05-03 00:50:41

Merge pull request #3944 from RosettaCommons/benchmark Adding util.apps test which will generate list of public/pilot apps for RosettaCloud UI


branch: master 「№60727」
Commited by: Brian Coventry
GitHub commit link: 「afa5e7070602177f」 「№3935」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-05-02 19:30:01

Merge pull request #3935 from RosettaCommons/bcov/Jd2CurrentInputName Set current_input_name and current_output_name in jd2 parser


branch: master 「№60726」
Commited by: Benjamin Basanta
GitHub commit link: 「51be6e3f30dc5aac」 「№3941」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-05-02 13:03:47

Merge pull request #3941 from RosettaCommons/basantab/non_local_atom_contacts Adding new functionality to AtomicContactCount filter


branch: master 「№60725」
Commited by: Jack Maguire
GitHub commit link: 「cd1195ab01f397dd」 「№3923」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-30 08:02:56

Merge pull request #3923 from RosettaCommons/JackMaguire/FinallyFixAddsan Fixing Multistage Rosetta Scripts' failed addsan test. Thanks to @roccomoretti for the review!


branch: master 「№60724」
Commited by: Andy Watkins
GitHub commit link: 「7a92eb4fba1207a9」 「№3940」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-29 11:54:19

Merge pull request #3940 from RosettaCommons/everyday847/save_file_systems_from_me Update


branch: master 「№60723」
Commited by: Jeliazko Jeliazkov
GitHub commit link: 「f46cd154940cbf78」 「№3839」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-27 15:45:49

Merge pull request #3839 from RosettaCommons/lqtza/scs_blast_updates_for_auto_db Enable use of new antibody database (lives in additional_protocol_data).


branch: master 「№60722」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「49333172bb4614ce」 「№3938」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-26 17:45:18

Merge pull request #3938 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/no_thread_local Replace an instance of thread_local with THREAD_LOCAL. The thread_local keyword is not supported by all compilers. We use a custom THREAD_LOCAL macro which is defined as thread_local in those compilation environments that support the keyword, and as nothing in those that do not.


branch: master 「№60721」
Commited by: TJ Brunette
GitHub commit link: 「74cba0b67deb889d」 「№3934」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-25 12:05:03

Merge pull request #3934 from RosettaCommons/tjbrunette/mac_clang_junc_filter_fix fixes issue with mac clang test that wasn't tested by the standard tests


branch: master 「№60720」
Commited by: Sergey Lyskov
GitHub commit link: 「c94678f4f166dadd」 「№3931」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-24 19:31:17

Merge pull request #3931 from RosettaCommons/sergey/binder updating Binder submodule to latest Binder master


branch: master 「№60719」
Commited by: TJ Brunette
GitHub commit link: 「fd683c3e83884a0c」 「№3932」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-24 16:49:29

Merge pull request #3932 from RosettaCommons/tjbrunette/revert_junc_filter_revert_v2 Tjbrunette/revert junc filter re-reverts code that was previously committed a week ago. I fixed the RNA_design app that was commented out. I should have caught this during the first commit.


branch: master 「№60718」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「5dbd2f48f1740d0d」 「№3874」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-24 11:56:09

Merge pull request #3874 from RosettaCommons/JWLabonte/kinases/GSK3B Kinases: adding 1st example of a phosphorylating EnzymaticMover This merge adds a new EnzymaticMover to Rosetta to simulate phosphorylation of Poses. Theses changes also take better advantage of inheritance to simplify code further and set-up the EnzymaticMover framework to use the command-line options system and RosettaScripts. Full documentation of EnzymaticMovers is now posted here: All unit tests pass. glycosylation integration test changes are expected.


branch: master 「№60717」
Commited by: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle
GitHub commit link: 「0832da05091de231」 「№3914」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-23 17:58:02

Merge pull request #3914 from RosettaCommons/jadolfbr/rs_output_fix Enable a change to only have the ParsedProtocol mover of RosettaScripts rescore the pose at the end of a protocol only if the output tag instead of obliterating the energies entirely by default. After much discussion, the pose is only rescored if you tell it to.

Vikram K. Mulligan 5 years
I love this commit message. I take it to mean, "The pose is only rescored if you have a long discussion with it, in which you tell it to rescore itself." :P
Jared Adolf-Bryfogle 5 years

branch: master 「№60716」
Commited by: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle
GitHub commit link: 「2cb3f3aa09ca8719」 「№3913」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-23 16:41:16

Merge pull request #3913 from RosettaCommons/jadolfbr/glycan_no_inner This merge holds a few changes and bug fixes for glycan modeling, antibody work, and simple metrics. Nothing too major. 1) Remove `AntibodyDesignProtocol`; make AntibodyDesignMover's parser interface more feature-complete with the command line. This simplifies the antibody design code into a single main mover, instead of two of them. Features from the protocol that were useful are added to the mover. Support for `get_additional_output` functionality is added. Removed some unused options. 2) Remove inner bb sampling from glycan modeling. This resulted in better energies, but reduced control of sampling time. Removing it. 3) Adding author tags to my parsable classes as we are moving towards full XSD documentation of most classes. 4) Make the `TotalEnergyMetric` work for different size reference poses as was originally intended. 5) Make a few carbohydrate tools into public apps as they are tested and now have public-facing documentation. 6) Simplify/Clean up Mover interface. No code changes, only the presentation and organization of Mover.hh as it was a mess. I can now read it. We really should remove the JD1 stuff from the base-class at some point. Perhaps through integrated DataMap functionality in the Mover base class? 7) Add better documentation for reference_pose XSD, instructing the user that this is created via a `SavePoseMover`. 8) Fix `RestrictToCDRsAndNeighbors` task op for camelid antibodies. Add unit tests for this and other antibody task ops for camelid antibodies.


branch: master 「№60715」
Commited by: Brahm Yachnin
GitHub commit link: 「39a6c320681c5347」 「№3925」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-23 11:12:16

Merge pull request #3925 from RosettaCommons/BYachnin/fix_buns_reporter_handling The documentation and code comments for the BuriedUnsatisfiedHBonds filter loudly state that if no reporter behaviours are selected, `report_all_heavy_atom_unsats` will be set to true by default. If we actually run it this way, though, it returns 911. I've changed the default behaviour in parse_my_tag, and also in the compute function, as a fallback for PyRosetta/C++, to act as though `report_all_heavy_atom_unsats` is set to true. The ppi_v3_suiteA tests will fail. These tests were using the BUnS filter using the default settings, and getting the "911" result for the error case of now reporters being set to true. This is now corrected, with a reasonable value being output as the BUnS result. Other test failures appear to be timeouts or unstable.


branch: master 「№60714」
Commited by: TJ Brunette
GitHub commit link: 「0d2afa55e6960cae」 「№3924」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-19 12:49:49

Merge pull request #3924 from RosettaCommons/tjbrunette/junc_filter fix issue with rna_design uncommented. This code makes hbnet compatible with silent files. Thus the integration test change for hbnet. Also, this includes bug fixes for loop closure, and structProfile.


branch: master 「№60713」
Commited by: Labonte
GitHub commit link: 「208244f3788c4f3c」 「№3902」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2019-04-17 16:51:21

Merge pull request #3902 from RosettaCommons/yingyue0414-patch-1 Carbohydrates: Adding all base aldopentopyranoses to database


< 1 .. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 .. 354 >

queued Queued Test
queued for comparison Test finished running but not yet compared
running Test is Running right now
comparing Test results is now comparing with previous results
finished Test is finished without errors
failed Test failed
build Failed Test could not be run because build failed
script failed Test results is unknow because test-script failed
canceled Test was canceled