code quality test suite
These tests are focused on checking that Rosetta's codebase does not have any obvious issues.
Check if serialization routines are properly implemented for those classes which are serializable.
Run the Clang Static Analyzer on Rosetta and report any issues found.
Run Clang Tidy on Rosetta and report issues found.
(Does not modify code.)
Run the Cppcheck code quality analyzer on Rosetta. Test will fail if a code quality issue identified by Cppcheck is introduced.
Test will continue to fail for future tests until the issue is dealt with.
Check if new code in branch if beautified according to Rosetta standards.
Automatically beautify new (relative to the main branch) code in a branch and commit the results.
Checks to see if the current main commit has issues with the submodule versions.
In particular, it looks to see if it introduces a regression (removes submodule commits which are in rosetta's main branch)
or if the version trails behind the submodule's main branch.