Pull Request №64 RosettaCommons/rosetta/main ← roccomoretti/rosetta/roccomoretti/fix_compare_job_nodes_serialization
Merge: 7e25e4a52fb93e5a0e14e5e22a1c39da70851ba7←eb718bc15e8b2752b62f4ea191979a229f84221b
Fix issue with JobGenealogist and serialization.
Merge commit message:
Fix issue with JobGenealogist and serialization.
An attempt at modernizing the serialization method for
protocols::jd3::compare_job_nodes accidentally made things be called in
an infinite loop. This is breaking the GCC 12 serialization build.
The fix is easy -- there's now no data to serialize, so we can simply
replace the functions with empty ones.