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Revisions №61802

branch: master 「№61802」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「49c6c8d138c0f21a」 「№5581」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2021-11-15 12:22:07
linux.clang linux.gcc linux.srlz mac.clang
PyRosetta4.notebook gcc-9.gcc.python37.PyRosetta4.unit linux.clang.cxx11thread.serialization.python37.PyRosetta4.unit linux.gcc.python36.PyRosetta4.unit mac.PyRosetta.unit build.clean.debug alpine.gcc.build.debug clang-10.clang.cxx11thread.mpi.serialization.tensorflow.build.debug gcc-10.gcc.build.debug gcc-11.gcc.python39.build.debug gcc-9.gcc.build.debug linux.clang.bcl.build.debug linux.clang.hdf5.build.debug mysql postgres linux.clang.python36.build.debug linux.zeromq.debug linux.gcc.bcl.build.debug mpi mpi.serialization linux.icc.build.debug m1.clang.python39.build.debug mac.clang.bcl.build.debug OpenCL mac.clang.python36.build.debug ubuntu.clang.bcl.build.debug ubuntu.gcc.bcl.build.debug build.header build.levels build.ninja_debug graphics static mac.clang.static.build.release beautification code_quality.clang_analysis code_quality.clang_tidy code_quality.cppcheck code_quality.merge_size serialization code_quality.submodule_regression integration.addsan integration.mpi integration.release_debug integration.tensorflow integration.thread integration.tutorials integration.ubsan integration.valgrind integration maintenance.documentation performance profile release.source scientific.FlexPepDock.debug scientific.RosettaCM scientific.abinitio_RosettaNMR_rdc scientific.docking.debug scientific.docking scientific.mhc_epitope_energy scientific.mp_symdock.debug scientific.mp_symdock scientific.sb_score12_loop_modeling_kic_fragments_12res.debug scientific.sb_score12_loop_modeling_ngk_12res.debug scientific.sb_score12_loop_modeling_ngk_12res linux.clang.score linux.gcc.score mac.clang.score linux.scripts.pyrosetta scripts.rosetta.parse scripts.rosetta.validate scripts.rosetta.verify unit.addsan linux.clang.unit.release linux.gcc.unit.release mac.clang.unit.release unit.ubsan unit.valgrind gcc-10.gcc.unit gcc-11.gcc.python39.unit gcc-9.gcc.unit util.apps windows.build.debug windows.build.release

Merge pull request #5581 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/lazily_load_scorefunctions Ensure that scorefunctions are loaded from disk once, lazily, and in a threadsafe manner. Currently, every time a scorefunction is requested by name, it's re-loaded from disk. This is inefficient. This implements scorefunction caching, and allows scorefunctions to be loaded once, on first demand (i.e. lazily), and in a threadsafe manner. Because pull request #5573 generates a lot of extra chatter from extra loads of scorefunctions, this PR should be merged before that one. This PR also updates the documents submodule to point to the latest master of the documents repo. It also fixes a bug in ExactOccludedHbondSolEnergy.cc: when a ScoreFunction was cloned, this energy method's EtableEvaluators were not deep-copied, since the EtableEvaluators lacked `clone()` methods. These have now been added and are invoked when the energy method is copy-constructed or cloned. TODO: - [x] Fix integration test failures with `shobuns` and `geometric_solvation`. The rest of the integration test changes appear to be expected cosmetic changes caused by scoring functions not being loaded over and over (so some repeated text disappears in the output log). Note: Jack had a stale "changes requested" on this PR. I dismissed that after hearing verbally from Jack that he was satisfied following my changes and Steven's approval of the PR.

Test: linux.clang.integration.tutorials

Failed sub-tests (click for more details):
Test: ubuntu.gcc.integration.ubsan

Failed sub-tests (click for more details):
erraser_minimize swa_rna_erraser
Test: linux.gcc.integration.valgrind

Failed sub-tests (click for more details):
ga_ligand_dock ga_ligand_dock_amino_acid