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Revisions №59484

branch: master 「№59484」
Commited by: Brandon Frenz
GitHub commit link: 「c6bd3fef7da4e19d」 「№2254」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2017-05-17 01:26:34

Merge pull request #2254 from RosettaCommons/bfrenz/RosettaES_script added integration test for ES, changed default parameters, and includ…

Rocco Moretti 8 years
It looks like the added enumerative_sampling integration test is unstable, possibly due to uninitialized memory issues (Valgrind is complaining about it: http://benchmark.graylab.jhu.edu/data/fs/272288/output/enumerative_sampling/valgrind.out mostly in protocols::loop_grower::LoopGrower)
Brandon Frenz 8 years
Thanks for the heads up. I will investigate further.
Vikram K. Mulligan 8 years
Any progress in debugging this? The test is failing outright, now, following the beta_nov15 merge.