Merge pull request #2227 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/buried_apolar_area_filter
Tweaking BuriedSurfaceArea filter.
- [x] Add option to use all atoms, hydrophobic atoms only, or polar atoms only.
- [x] Add option.
- [x] Update parse_my_tag().
- [x] Update XSD functions.
- [x] Add to integration test.
- [x] Switch BuriedSurfaceArea filter to use same SASA calculator used by TotalSASA filter.
- [x] Update compute() function.
- [x] Use Gabe's data tables for total area calculated with hydrophobic atoms only.
- [x] Add Gabe's data tables for total area calculated with polar atoms only.
- [x] Set minimum buried area to zero.
- [x] Truth (add new option to documentation).
- [x] Fix crash bug.
- [x] Beauty (run the code beautifier).