Merge pull request #1290 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/shush_tests
Shushing output of some unit tests
Andrew wants the verbosity cut on some unit tests, so I'm taking those that I wrote. @aleaverfay: how much verbosity is acceptable? Do you want no output at all from a functioning unit test? I usually like there to be something in the log to let me know that the test ran and what it tested...
Tasks: reduce verbosity of the following unit tests:
- test/protocols/helical_bundle/params_data_storage.cxxtest.hh
- test/core/io/pose_to_sfr/PoseToStructFileRepConverter.cxxtest.hh
- test/core/scoring/aa_composition_energy/AACompositionEnergy.cxxtest.hh
This also fixes the RestrictOperations unit test (thanks to @smlewis).