Merge pull request #1144 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/add_betanov15_tests
Add symmetric gly, symmetric scoring, and cyclic permutation unit tests for the beta_nov15 energy function
**Note: this deliberately adds unit tests that fail. This is to illustrate current scorefunction failures that need to be addressed.**
Talaris is now fully symmetric (i.e. mirror-image poses consisting of L- and D-amino acids score identically), fully consistent with cyclic permutations (i.e. cyclic peptides core identically no matter where residue 1 is), and has a mode in which glycine behaves perfectly symmetrically (favouring left- and right-handed conformations equally). Unit tests already enforce this for talaris and for whatever the default scorefunction is at any given time. However, the beta_nov15 scorefunction is seeing increasing use, and these unit tests do not cover this scorefunction.
This pull request adds these unit tests for this scorefunction. Since the beta_nov15 scorefunction has introduced asymmetries, they currently FAIL, and will continue to do so until this is fixed. (That is, they are illustrating a current failure of Rosetta, not introducing a new one.)