Merge pull request #918 from RosettaCommons/kimdn/dn
- Minor updates of sewing
1) Update of ModelTrimmer
* From now on, ModelTrimmer mandatorily removes any models with L
terminal segment
* Do 'leave_models_with_E_terminal_ss' mandatorily when
'leave_antiparallel_way_H_bonded_models_by_terminal_strands_only' turned on
2) Update of MonteCarloAssemblyMover
* User can turn remove_cut_off_assembly option on/off for MonteCarloAssemblyMover
3) Update of sewing_hasher
* Added comment "Only terminal Es are hash bool true to be merged with other nodes
later (but as of 2015/11/14, later model assembly has 'ERROR:
alignment_scores.size() == 1')"
4) Integration test
continuous_sewing_hasher and discontinuous_sewing_hasher changed as expected