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Revisions №58256

branch: master 「№58256」
Commited by: Doo Nam Kim
GitHub commit link: 「54dc8800d3e6dae7」 「№883」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2015-11-03 10:44:29

Merge pull request #883 from RosettaCommons/kimdn/master_sew [what has been updated for beta-sandwich_analysis] * Add a more rule so that two parallel short strands can be "sheet" for Tim-barrel [what has been updated for SEWING] * [model generation update] - sewing::hash_tag_only_terminal_Es is possible - User can provide an option (generate_five_ss_model) so that 'db -> node (model)' can generate '3_or_5_secondary_structure_based models' - added unit test (SewingHasherTests.cxxtest) for "db -> node (model/substructure) can generate 5_secondary_structure_based models" * [Model_trimmer update] - becomes little faster (don't care rest trimming steps if any preceding trimming decides to erase the model) - can do 'leave_models_with_E_terminal_ss' - can do 'leave_parallel_way_H_bonded_models_by_terminal_strands_only' - can do 'leave_antiparallel_way_H_bonded_models_by_terminal_strands_only' - can do 'model_should_have_at_least_one_E' - can do 'model_should_have_at_least_one_E_at_terminal_segment' * [hashing update] node (model) -> edge (score) can handle 'any number of secondary_structure' based models * [model assembly update] - User can choose between 27 and 125 boxes for neighborhood_lookup (-sewing:box_length), both scoring and assembly should use same box numbers * [ExhaustiveAssemblyMover newly added] - Enumerate every possible assembly exhaustively - User can choose 'dump_every_model_for_devel_purpose' option * [MonteCarloAssemblyMover update] - User can choose not to stick to best_score if specified 'min_assembly_score' as an option in parser - User can choose 'offset_bump_dsq' as an option [beautified some other's files] beautified except File utility/json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_template.h could not be beautified File utility/json_spirit/json_spirit_error_position.h could not be beautified File utility/json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_options.h could not be beautified
