Add header that is missing, but curiously doesn't trigger missing errors with gcc/clang
Replacing line core/pack/interaction_graph/SurfaceInteractionGraph.hh:1957
core::scoring::TenANeighborGraph const & tenA_neighbor_graph( get_surface_owner()->pose().energies().tenA_neighbor_graph() );
With the exploded form
SurfaceInteractionGraph< V, E, G >* surf_owner_ptr( get_surface_owner() );
assert( surf_owner_ptr );
SurfaceInteractionGraph< V, E, G > const & surf_owner( *surf_owner_ptr );
core::pose::Pose const & debug_pose( surf_owner.pose() );
core::scoring::Energies const & debug_energies( debug_pose.energies() );
core::scoring::TenANeighborGraph const & tenA_neighbor_graph( debug_energies.tenA_neighbor_graph() );
results in a compiler error about core::scoring::Energies being an incomplete type, even though the single line one doesn't. Adding the Energies header fixes it.