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Revisions №56550

branch: master 「№56550」
Commited by: Luki Goldschmidt
GitHub commit link: 「b27bf47336fc4549」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2014-03-19 15:56:51

Adding MultiplePoseMover and MultipleOutputWrapper (merging branch luki-mbi/rosetta_scripts). NEWS: The MultiplePoseMover allows a multi-step "distribute and collect" protocol to be implemented in a single RosettaScript. First, it collects all poses from the previous mover in the protocol. Next, poses are selected from the complete set using Pose Selectors, some of which use Pose Property Reporters. The sub-protocol, if any, is then run on all selected poses. Poses for which the protocol succeeds are output to another mover for further processing, or to the Job Distributor for output to persistent storage. This mover can also be used to "branch out" without any selection criteria (i.e. generate many diversified poses) or purely as a selector to trim down the set of poses based on some criteria. MultipleOutputWrapper is a simple wrapper that will execute the mover or ROSETTASCRIPTS protocol it wraps to generate additional output poses from the original pose. This commit disabled RosettaScripts resume support, since it's interfering and needs a better implementation. Unit test status: Pass All test pass except SpanFileIOTests, which fails to run on my machine (Linux, gcc 4.8.2) with: core.test: src/ObjexxFCL/DynamicIndexRange.hh:103: ObjexxFCL::DynamicIndexRange::DynamicIndexRange(int): Assertion `legal_static()' failed. Integration test status: 37 test changes (all cosmetic) Cosmetic changes are expected in the following tests due to the clean-up of empty protocol reports. Additionally, there's a new message about deprecation of the <dock_design> tag in favor of <ROSETTASCRIPTS>. Enzrevert_xml add_job_pair_data dock_with_hotspot_place_simultaneously favor_native_residue grid_scores_features hotspot_graft hts_io hybridization inverse_rotamer_remodel kinemage_grid_output ligand_dock_grid ligand_dock_script ligand_motif_design ligand_water_docking loop_creation make_symmdef_file nonideal_rtmin place_simultaneously posttranslationalmod_io ppk rosetta_scripts_setup rotamer_probability rs_flexbbmoves rs_loophash score12_docking score_only_silence splice_in splice_out splice_seq_constraint startfrom_file symmetry_data_resource The JD2 now outputs additional poses generated by a mover, thus the following test now produces multiple PDBs: rs_loophash The pose tag is now at the end of the PDB file name (for clarity), hence some output file name changes in: AnchoredDesign antibody_designer broker_membrane docking_prepack jd2test surface_docking
