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Revisions №58700

branch: master 「№58700」
Commited by: Vikram K. Mulligan
GitHub commit link: 「cf2629e7612fa4ef」 「№1329」
Difference from previous tested commit:  code diff
Commit date: 2016-05-22 02:59:02

Merge pull request #1329 from RosettaCommons/vmullig/peppredict_blugene Modifying the simple_cycpep_predict application to play nicely on Blue Gene. I need to do this to allow it to be run on large-scale clusters while BOINC is tied up during CASP. This will also be my test-bed for writing a multi-level job distribution and collection hierarchy (and, ulitimately, adding multi-threading to it). It does NOT replace jd3 in any way; on the contrary, it's a convenient place to test features that we might want in jd3. Tasks: - Add -cyclic_peptide:MPI_processes_by_level flag to let the user specify how many processes will be devoted to each level of the hierarchical communications scheme. - Add option to control size of batches being distributed at each level. - Modify the simple_cycpep_predict app to set up MPI options. - Add a SimpleCycpepPredictApplication_MPI class to the protocols level that handles the multi-level communications. - Revise the job buffer size to a list of job buffer sizes, and remove the requirement that the job buffer size be at least the number of slaves per first-level master. - Add hooks to SimpleCycpepPredictApplication to let it be set up by SimpleCycpepPredictApplication_MPI, and to suppress its disk I/O. - Finish implementing all of the functions marked //TODO WRITE ME in SimpleCycpepPredictApplication_MPI.cc. - Have this class actually distribute jobs down the hierarchy. - Have the slave nodes call the SimpleCycpepPredictApplication class for sampling. - Option to return only the top n% of jobs. (Job return is two-step: first, send list of scores up the hierarchy to the emperor; have emperor determine and request top n%; second, send only top poses up the hierarchy.) - Send results summaries UP the hierarchy. - Sort sent results as they propagate up the hierarchy. - Unit tests for sort functions. - Send requests for poses DOWN the hierarchy based on sorted results. - Have the SimpleCycpepPredictApplication_MPI class collect results UP the hierarchy. - Write out silent structures from the emperor node. - Add integration test to MPI test suite. - Documentation. - Test on jojo. - Test on Blue Gene.
